LJRA monthly meeting

There will be no LJRA meeting in December or January. Monthly meetings will resume in February.


Meeting of LJRA held September 10, 2013. Tyrone Public Library. Meeting began at 7:30 p.m.

Introductions. Fourteen Members and Guests were present.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer, Charlie Hoyer, reviewed the deposits and expenditures with regard to the General Checking Account. Present balance is $ 15,295.77

There was a discussion of the National Fish & Wildlife Grant Fund Account which included a review of the purchases and expenditures for the recent Stream Improvement Project. All expenses for this project have been paid. This account is used only for stream bank erosion projects as qualified by the NFWF Grant. The balance of grant funds is $8,475.59. Additional releases from the NFWF grant are available if needed for an approved project.

It was noted that the Blair County Conservation District has offered LJRA $6300.00 to be used for post-stream improvement project maintenance and riparian buffer construction. The landowner release form required by BCCD was sent to Jim Eckenrode, Watershed Manager. Bill Anderson will follow up with BCCD.

President Anderson requested that the minutes include a reminder to him to send Carl Reed a copy of the letter from First Energy granting access to the stream improvement project ( This has been done).

Charlie Hoyer asked whether-or-not the PayPal account, should be included in the Treasurer’s Report. The PayPal account is for processing member dues, donations and merchandise sales made on the LJRA website. Funds are typically transferred to the regular LJRA checking account when they exceed $400.00. It was agreed that PayPal account should be included in the Treasurer’s Report.

The Treasurer’s Report was accepted as read.

Juniata College stream Survey: Dr. Chris Grant of Juniata College attended. He has conducted, but not concluded, an LJR Tributary Assessment as part of the PFBC “Un-assessed Waters Program”. He brought two student interns, Eliot and Nicole, to report on the results and to ask for further direction. He and student assistants have been to 75 sites on 33 LJR tributaries this Summer. He has concluded the Water Chemistry Analysis and Macro-ecology portions of the assessment and presented a written report to the group. He asked LJRA opinion as to  which tributaries should be the subjects of portions 3 and 4 of the assessment — Mercury Analysis and Microbial Community Analysis. After extensive discussion, it was suggested that these portions of the study should be done on Decker Hollow Run, Sink Run and Sandy Run. However, it was left up to Dr. Grant and his team to make the final choice.

The results of all testing will serve as baseline data for use in monitoring the effects of future development and possible fracking activity. Trout population numbers will be reported to PA F&B Commission in order to provide a basis for Designated Use changes by DEP. Hopefully, these changes, especially where wild trout populations were discovered, will provide additional protection for the watershed and river. LJRA will expedite these changes as soon as they are reported to PFBC and subsequently to DEP.

LJRA Website: President Anderson reports that Scott Kowalski is making improvements to the LJRA website.

Watts Farm Walk-in Fishery: Betty Jacobus, the property owner, wishes to close the road to vehicles to provide a walk-in fishery and hiking trail. The LJRA believes this to be beneficial. A meeting with the Antis Township will be scheduled to review this possibility. The Chair asks if anyone knows Larry Nulll, a landowner along the River Road/Watt’s Farm stretch. Contact Bill Anderson.


Littering: Fish & Boat Waterways Conservation Supervisor, Craig Garman, has arranged for LJRA to receive a portion of fines levied on a River Road litterer caught through the efforts of officer Garman. So far LJRA has received two checks for $50.00 each..

Invasive Plants: Carl Reed reports that the knotweed spraying at the recently completed stream bank stabilization improvement project, will take place soon. The spray to be used is supposed to be safe for macro-invertebrates. It will be applied by licensed practitioner, Art Grover (the spraying took place last week).

Fall Float Gorge Clean-Up: John Corr, is here to discuss plans for a clean-up of portions of the LJ which can only be cleaned by boat as a practical matter. The subject area is between Spruce Creek Church and Barree. October 26 has been chosen as the date and there will be a picnic after for the floaters and probably for others as well. Greene Hills Resort can provide lunch for $10.00 per person or we can rent the pavilion with its kitchen facilities. Those interested should contact either John Corr or Bill Anderson.

Fishing Report:  Slate Drakes coming in greater numbers soon. Fishing in Lower Bald Eagle Creek has been good. The river is very low and if you know any rain dances …go for it!

Onerous House Bill: Dr. Wm. Bressler reports on an article read in the Huntingdon Daily News concerning changes to the Endangered Species laws in Pennsylvania. There are bills proposed which would allow the PA Independent Regulatory Review Commission to review environmental decisions of PA Fish & Boat and Game Commissions. If allowed, this will enable oil and gas industry/mining interests to receive favorable treatment at the expense of environmental protection. LJRA opposes this change and, after motion, it was decided that LJRA will write appropriate legislators. The letter will be placed on our website as well.

The meeting was adjourned at 9 PM.



Black Kats uncovered!

Those who read this forum are aware of my pattern that I call “Bill’s Black Kat” (see story of my discovery on the LJRA FORUM). Several years ago I discovered that this very large caterpillar falls into the “j” from the tree canopy throughout the watershed and the “j” trout eat them…big time! While I spent a fair amount of effort developing the pattern I also tried to determine just what the name of this 2″ long black cat. with white fuzz was, but I never succeeded. Even after contacting PSU entymologists, no ID. Now one of our members, Greg Shustrick, has solved the Black Kat Mystery. Greg sent me a link to a description with photos that exactly describes our “j” bug. It is a “Walnut Caterpiller”, here’s the link.


Hatch Charts September

September Hatches

Little White May Fly #28 – Anytime
White  Fly #16,14  – Early Mo.
Black  Winged Olive #24 – Anytime
Slate Drake #12 – Anytime
Winged Ant #8,20,22  (red and black) -Anytime
Tan Caddis #16, 18 – All month
Black  Kats #4,6  – All month (before  frost)
Chocolate Ants #22,24 Early Mo.

Hatch Charts July – August

July -August

Trico #22, 24 – A
Little White May  Fly #28 – Late mo.
Tiny Sulphur #18,20    –  Late Mo.
Black Winged Olive #24   – All Mo.
Slate Drake #12,10 – First week in July
Cream Caddis #16, 18 All Mo.
Tan Caddis #16,18 – All Mo.
Black Kats – #4,6 long shanked – Beginning mid- August Potomanthus #10,12 Mid to late Aug.

Hatch Charts June


Sulfur #16,18,20    – Early thru mid mo.
Yellow  Drake #10,12    – Late
Blue-Winged Olive  #14 –  Cornuta E
Blue-Winged Olive #16, 18,  20     – Anytime
Black winged Olive #24  – Anytime
Slate Drake #10  – Mid-month
Cream  Cahill #14, 16 – Early – Mid-month
Tan Caddis (olive body) #16, 18  – Anytime
Cream Caddis #16, 18 –  Anytime


Sulfur #14 – 2nd week thru Mo. end

Sulfur #16,18,20    – Beginning last week and into June.

Hendricksons  #12 and #14, Last week in April thru 1st week of May

Grey Fox/March Browns #10 & #12 – Mid Month to late

Cahills – #10 Butter Yellow late May


Pinecroft streambank repair and fish habitat creation

The upper “j” (Bellwood upstream to Altoona) has a number of locations where the riverbank is badly eroded. This stretch of river is officially considered to be “Impaired” by DEP due to sedimentation and also from phosphorous pollution from two waste treatment facilties. The phosphorous problem is being addressed by AWA and by Antis Township, operator of the “Logan” plant. However, streambank erosion can only be addressed by identifying and repairing eroded banks, starting with the worst cases, one of which is located near Pinecroft, just upstream from the mouth of Sandy Run. Stream bank repair is labor intensive and expensive. On October 30th, 13 volunteers from LJRA and 3 from JKTU, joined forces to repair 100 feet of eroded bank some 7 ft high. They created outstanding trout habitat in the process. This project was funded using private donations from First Energy Foundation, Little Juniata River Association and the Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds.  The total cost was $14,500. Pictures taken yesterday (Saturday Oct. 30th) are on the LJRA Gallery under “The River”, “Stream Bank Restoration”. More pictures of the completed project will be abvailable on Manday Nov.1st. We will also post video to the LJRA Facebook page . A list of the 16 volunteers will be posted soon as well. Thanks to all!

Bill Anderson