Trout Boomer and The Little “j” – summary

Book Summary

“Trout Boomer” – The making of a fly fisher and his love affair with the Little Juniata River – Bill Anderson

In this two part book, a retired executive relates with short, often humorous tales of his boyhood, how he became a fly fisherman and the defender of the Little Juniata River in Central Pennsylvania. The “Trout Boomer”, son of a WWII sergeant and a country girl from Arkansas, brings us back to our youth as he tells of BB guns, hand lines, catching carp, a rooster named “Buster”, and early fishing adventures. Readers, especially fellow Boomers, will relate to little Billy as he negotiates his way through a succession of city neighborhoods, trades a Louisville Slugger for his first fly rod, and finds fishing in the Brandywine River as his refuge from city streets.

In part II, Bill shares his intimate knowledge of the history, the watershed,  and the  fly hatches of the “j” (Little Juniata). Having had a successful career in industry,  Bill retired to open a fly shop; became president of the Little Juniata River Association and, now, dedicates his time to  fly fishing and defending this wonderful and frequently overlooked eastern, brown trout stream. With more than 35 years living near and fishing the “j”, Bill has developed his own unique fly patterns and fishing techniques for this small river. He shares these in graphic color detail.

The “j” has 14 miles of Catch and Release water and another 16 miles that deserve special regulations (Bill’s working on it). The river flows from the city of Altoona and, unlike most trout streams, gets colder and better as it grows bigger. The reason for the coldness lies in the large limestone springs that enter the flow, as the stream turns East in the small mountain town of Tyrone. Bill knows the “j” like no one else. He has waded, fished and fallen into every part of it for almost four decades.

While Trout Boomer is a “must have” for any fly fisher who fishes, or plans to fish, the Little Juniata, it is much more than a “where to, how to” fishing book. Bill provides insights into why many of us are passionate about fly fishing and gives us a good natured glimpse into the life of a boy growing up in post- war America.

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New Book about the Little Juniata River

My new book       “Trout Boomer” And the Little “j”  the making of a fly fisher and his love affair with the Little Juniata River    is finally available.  If you are interested, send me an email ( and I’ll send you a summary and tell you how to purchase it.

Bill Anderson


Little Juniata River Association


LJRA Members Banquet January 16, 2015

All LJRA Members should have received an invitation to our 1st annual Banquet to be held at the Edgewater Inn and Riverside Grill. If you did not receive an invitation and would like to attend…email me at This is not a fund raiser…just a chance to meet directors, officers and other members of the Little Juniata River Association in a festive atmosphere in a great setting.


LJRA Meeting Oct. 2014

Meeting of the Little Juniata River Association – October 14, 2014

Our October meeting was held, for the first time, at the Edgewater Inn and Riverside Grill, Alexandria PA. This magnificent facility was purchased recently by Keith Beamer and his wife Sarah. Many of you know Keith as a member of the Habitat management team for the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. He participated in several of our bank stabilization/trout habitat projects in the upper river from 2010 to 2013. Sarah is the former science teacher for Grier School and headed up the Trout In the Classroom program at Grier School last year. LJRA partnered with Sarah on this very successful program. Both Keith and Sarah are LJRA Life Members and they recently signed their new business up as our first corporate member. Sarah and Keith have invited the LJRA to hold all our meetings in their beautiful facility. In addition to fine dining, they offer a full “Bar and Grill” menu! Finally, we have a great place for our “after the meeting drink”

 There were approximately 23 officers/directors, members and guests in attendance. President Bill Anderson welcomed us and opened the meeting. Keith formally welcomed us as well.


Summary of LJRA Trout Mortality Presentation

Our guest speakers for October were Mark Nale, Bob Carline, and Mark Jackson. They   gave a presentation on the methodology and preliminary results of a study on bait-hooked trout mortality. The study was conducted during the April 2014 Trout Tournament held on Bald Eagle Creek, Centre County.

Participants could use any tackle but had to keep the fish alive and turn them in to tournament officials who interviewed the anglers regarding the circumstances of their catch.  All fish caught were held in a hatchery run for nine days monitoring their health each day.

There were 490 trout, all species, caught during the two day event, with 87% of the fish caught using bait. Of these, 26 died. This represented 5.5% of the bait caught trout – a much lower mortality than that reported from most prior studies. Most trout which died did so on the day caught. Less than one percent of the fish which died did so during the nine day holding period.

A discussion followed with questions such as whether or not there have been such studies on mortality of bait caught wild trout, what about mortality with circle hooks, and whether or not (given the study results), it was yet a good idea to limit certain areas of the rivers and streams to fly fishing or lure fishing only. A thought to consider being that opening all waters would create more friends for the waterways-an important consideration given present day challenges.

President Anderson pointed out that historic objections to the use of live bait on the Little Juniata had more to do with the fear of invasive species introduction (from bait buckets) than with trout mortality.

The study will be repeated in 2015.







On November 19th there will be electroshocking done on a 2 mile stretch of Bells Gap Run. An effort will be made to eliminate the burgeoning numbers of brown trout, which threaten the viability of the native brook trout population. The Bells Gap Run Reservoir will be drained and brown trout removed next year.



LJRA will fund a telemetry study to be conducted by PSU/Juniata College in 2015 to try to determine (among other things) where the Little Juniata River trout go during hot weather/low water periods.



We will once again conduct our LJRA spring clean-up. The date chosen is Saturday, March 28th, 2015. This will be the 10th anniversary of this annual event.



A very successful cleanup by water craft and some bank walkers was held on October 4, 2014.   Total weight of trash/junk gathered was .5 tons.  The April 5, 2014 water craft cleanup yielded .5 tons and the October 2013 effort yielded 1.5 tons! Nice. Lunch for all participants was provided at Green Hills Camp.  John Corr was project leader for this worthy LJRA effort

LJRA October meeting – Hooking mortality Presentation

The Little Juniata River Association will meet on October 14th at 7 pm. This month’s meeting will feature a presentation by Bob Carline, retired PSU professor of fisheries and Mark Nale, president of the Pa. Outdoor writer’s Association. Their topic is Hooking Mortality based on a study conducted on Bald Eagle Creek last year. The meeting place is the Inn at Edgewater near Alexandria (directions on their webpage).

Bill Anderson


Little Juniata River Association

LJRA November 2013 minutes/report

Meeting of Little Juniata River Association November 12, 2013

Tyrone Public Library, 7:30 p.m.


Fourteen people were present including members, directors and guests. They assembled to hear a presentation by Dr. Hanna Stout regarding her efforts to reintroduce Green Drake mayflies to Spring Creek..


Several potential new LJRA members attended including Troy Duprey, General Manager of CENVEO. Troy is an avid fly fisher and he has joined us as our newest LJRA Life Member.


Dr, Hannah Stout, an aquatic entomologist, described her graduate research project the goal of which was to determine if Green Drakes could be established on Spring Creek, Centre Cty. Green Drakes are present in 50 streams in PA; their nymphs are of the burrowing type which grow in gravelly riffles.  Her preliminary studies showed that the water quality of  Spring Creek is good enough to support Green Drakes, that there is sufficient gravel substrate, and that the macro invertebrate community in the stream is appropriate.  In 2009 she obtained permission from PF&BC to attempt an experimental reintroduction of the Green Drake.


Dr Stout aided by volunteers, has trapped thousands of adult female drakes containing eggs from Penns Creek. The eggs have been introduced to Spring Creek at The Rock stretch for the past 5 seasons. Her goal is to see if a self-sustaining GD population can be established. Her research indicates that it will take at least ten years of transplanting before such a determination could reasonably be made. In 2011 she found one GD nymph in the gravel at The Rock but she hasn’t found another since. There followed a discussion of the project including the history of the GD on the Little J as well as possible places on the Little Juniata River at which a GD  reintroduction could be attempted.


Stream Bank projects – Director, Carl Reed, reported that the stream bank improvements made this Summer near Pine Croft are doing well and that the knotweed spraying seems to have been effective. The seedlings planted also seem to be having a good survival rate.


Opportunities – President Anderson said that a primary goal of LJRA is to find ways for more cold water to be introduced into the LJ – such as by bottom releases from impoundments as well as by eliminating impoundments that presently allow tributary water to warm.


Threats – Another issue is the likely incursion of negative impacts in the LJR watershed from the mining and drilling industries. One such incursion is a proposed waste fill site adjacent to the Sandy Run wetlands near Pinecroft to be used for the disposal of fracking drilling waste. The project will be challenged and the permitting process, etc., will need to be examined closely. Bill Anderson and Gary Miller met with Jim Frey, engineer for Mountain Research and a landowner at the site. He described the disposal project to them.


HB 1576 – the goal of which is to substitute the PA IRRC for the PA F&B and Game Commission with regard to environmental oversight of certain private industry extractive efforts.. LJRA is very concerned about this bill. It is presently in Committee. LJRA sent a letter to legislators expressing opposition to this legislation which will lessen the ability to protect wild trout populations discovered by PFBC.  Director, Bill Bressler commented on the state of this issue, which he has been following closely. Members John Corr and Andy Yablonsky attended the committee hearings in Harrisburg and also visited with their representative to protest the passage of HB1576.


Fall Boat Float River Cleanup: This event was held October 26 in low water conditions. A great deal of refuse was collected, including 60 tires and tons of other trash. After first agreeing to do so, the Huntingdon office of Penn Dot refused to pick up this refuse. Park’s was contracted to pick it up at a cost of $360.00. A motion to pay this bill was made, seconded, and passed.


The LJRA spring river bank clean-up for 2014 will be held on April 5th, 2014. It will be the 10th annual LJRA Spring River Bank Clean-up.


Sandy Run – Bill Anderson and Bill Bressler met with Tyler Nieman of the PA F&B Commission and two DEP representatives to tour the Sandy Run wetlands site. The purpose was to consider the best way to eliminate the warming effect of the shallow pond once used as part of a trout hatchery. The best solution may be the widening of a presently existing breach, allowing the large springs to bypass the pond altogether..


Award – LJRA President Bill Anderson was presented with an award at the recent Blair County Conservation District meeting. He was named as the “Conservationist of the Year 2013”.  Bill stated that the award is also to acknowledge the work of the LJRA as a whole. Congratulations Bill!


Didymo – There is a report of didymo in the upper branch of Pine Creek. LJRA Director, Joe Reese observed that such reports are not conclusive as the underlying studies are rarely done with the thoroughness required to truly evaluate the likelihood of a problematic didymo infestation.


Treasurer’s Report – Charlie Hoyer  presented written statements for the LJRA NFWF and General Checking Accounts for the period 4/1/2013 – 11/12/2013 including present balances.


President Anderson described the NFWF Grant and stated that LJRA filed its report of the use of these funds in October. The balance of $6,927.59 must be spent by December 2013 or be relinquished.


He also described the Public Fishing Easement Grant awarded to LJRA. All but $12,000.00 of this $200,000.00 grant was used to obtain permanent easements from landowners along the river. LJRA has funded nearly 5 miles of such easements. The remaining $12,000.00 was returned to the PA F&B Commission.



The Treasurer’s Report was presented by treasurer – Charlie Hoyer


Meeting adjourned. Notes by Carl Mulica

Notes by  Carl Mulica.