The LJRA annual riverbank clean up has been scheduled for Saturday April 12th, starting at 9 AM. More information forthcoming.
Category: conservation
Riparian buffer restoration project
Goods new for the LJRA watershed
Bells Gap run is a significant tributary to the LJRA. It’s potential to support a cold water fishery was limited by top release from the reservoir’s dam. We received the excellent news that the old dam was replaced with one that will allow for bottom release from the Bells Gap Reservoir. The LJRA has been encouraging the Altoona Water Authority (AWA) to provide for bottom release of this, and other, dams in the watershed. You can read Mark Nale’s reporting of the change and additional information using the following links:
Stream work on the upper river contributes sediment into the system
Yesterday during a river tour with a new LJRA member, Bill witnessed 2 large excavators at the Old 6th Avenue Road bridge in Pinecroft, crossing over Sandy Run, a Class A wild Trout stream and High Quality Cold Water listed stream. They had built a road through Sandy Run using soil from the streambank. They have 2 small culvert pipes that are barely keeping up with the flow and creating a muddy pool behind the improvised road. We spoke with the engineer in charge and learned that they will be digging up a large section of sewer main from the stream bed, today. Then installing a replacement section which will take 3 or 4 days. The makeshift culvert will surely wash out with a heavy rain, delivering sediment into the upper river. This main is not leaking it is, in their words, sagging and requires frequent cleaning. We are challenging their permit terms and will seek to minimize the impact on this major cold water resource for the upper river.
If you see something unusual in the river or its tributaries, please contact Bill or if its a serious immediate threat to the river contact local authorities
19th Annual Riverbank Clean Up.
Over 100 volunteers filled two 40 ft. dumpsters with litter and some tires were collected from 30 miles of waterway. This is the 19th year of the clean up. High water and a power outage did not deter dedicated volunteers. Once again, Spruce Creek United Methodist Church provided a delicious lunch for the volunteers. Tastykake donated treats. Read about the event in The PA environment daily here.
A photo gallery is provided courtesy of Beth Intoccia, Chairperson Litter Lifters of West Vincent.
Update: Rutter’s construction near Sandy Run
Rutter’s was fined $73,200 for violations of their NPDES permits at the Sandy Run site! LJRA opposed this project from its inception on the grounds that all the drainage would be into the Sandy Run wetlands, the major cold water source and wild trout spawning stream for the upper Little Juniata River. We have taken water samples from every significant rain event since they broke ground last year and notified BCCD of possible violations of the E&S (Erosion & Sedimentation) plan at the site. Blair County Conservation District (BCCD) performed multiple inspections that determined violations resulting in this penalty. LJRA will continue to monitor as truck stop operations begin in 2024. Directors Angie Spagnoli and Gary Miller and Eric Oliver were essential in monitoring activities at the site for the last year. Great job all!
LJRA clean up
Little Juniata River Association 14th Annual River Bank Clean-up

The Little Juniata River Association will hold its 14thAnnual River Bank Clean-up on Saturday, April 6th. LJRA members and volunteers will meet at the Spruce Creek United Methodist Church parking lot at 8:30 am where ladies from the church will serve drinks and treats from Tastykake. Each year, the LJRA leads more than 200 volunteers, including scouts, church groups and office groups, in a stream bank clean-up. There is also an upper river meeting point at the New Pig Corp. parking lot near Tipton for those who prefer to clean-up closer to Altoona. The clean-up will be followed by a lunch hosted by the Spruce Creek United Methodist Church around noon.
In all more than 20 miles of stream banks and roadside pull-offs from Bellwood to Barree are visited. Anyone who wishes to lead a group or participate as an individual, can contact Bill Anderson at 814 684 5922 or [email protected], or simply show up in the church parking or the New Pig parking lot, at 8:30 am on April 6th. Bags, gloves and water will be furnished.
Kelso run project
Kelso run project restoration project
The LJRA will be participating in a stream bank restoration project on Kelso Run, a wild brook trout tributary to Bells Gap Run from wednesday June 27th thru Saturday June 30th. Volunteers are needed. Please email [email protected] more information.
restored access to the upper J
A section of the J opened up to fishing
Members of the LJRA conducted a clean up recently on previously posted land on the upper J. The clean up, and other actions, led to the opening of 0.6 mile of the river to fishing. A major goal of the LJRA is to improve landowner relations to increase access. Landowners are encouraged to contact the LJRA and see if we can mitigate problems before deciding to post your land. Fisherman can maintain access to open waters by cleaning up when you see trash, reporting vandals and thanking landowners when you see them.
2018 clean up canceled
Annual Riverbank Cleanup- Canceled!
Unfortunately, Mother Nature is playing dirty tricks on us again. The Little J watershed is predicted to receive 2-4 inches of snow late Friday night into Saturday afternoon. Out of concern for the safety of the volunteers and the effectiveness of the clean up (can’t see trash under inches of snow) the directors decided to cancel the River Bank Clean-up. We are considering scheduling a low water clean up this summer. Check back to the website for more information or visit the Facebook Page. We appreciate your willingness to participate. The next project will be habitat restoration at Kelso Run in June.