LJRA 2016 Riverbank cleanup
Thanks to all!

It didn’t go as planned and the final stages have yet to be completed, but the 11th Annual LJRA bank clean up was a success! Volunteers collected 61 tires and filled 1.5 large roll-away dumpsters so far. The major work was done on April 16th, but different groups who could not attend the make up date organized or will organize on the following weekends.
April 23rd: Angie Spagnoli (PSU-Altoona) organized a group of students to clean Spring Run in Altoona, the uppermost headwater of the LJ. They filled more than 130 garbage bags full of trash and lots of other large objects. This was the first time the clean up extended that far up the watershed. Great job PSU-Altoona
April 30th: Boy scouts will clean the upper river
May 7th: Our boating members and their friends are planning to float the Gorge area and clean areas inaccessible by foot
Thanks to Spruce Creek United Methodist Church for the great lunch, Sheetz Co for bottled water, Tastykake Co. for treats and Veederoot Co. for a monetary donation and commitment of labor
If you are interested in helping with the remaining stages of the clean up email [email protected].