Little Juniata River Association
Meeting Minutes November 13 , 2012
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by president Bill Anderson. There were 13 LJRA members, including seven officers and Directors, present. The Ljra Directors present were: Ron Kuntz, Director; Joe Boston, Habitat Chair; Cliff Wurster, Director; Lee Pryor, Treasurer; John Bennis, Director; Bill Anderson, President /Chairman; Jim Litrun, Secretary.
LJRA Directors not in attendance: Stan Kotala, Charlie Hoyer, Gary Miller, Conservation Chair; Jeremy Frye, Dave Herrmann and John Pascavage (Director Emeritus and Founder).
I. Redd Count
The redd count scheduled for November 17 has been moved to Saturday November 24. . Volunteers interested in participating should contact Bill Anderson at (814) 935-8392 or Two-person teams will be formed walk stretches of the river and count the number of beds. Brown trout typically begin spawning in early November with the females hollowing out depressions in gravel bottoms to lay their eggs. The eggs are fertilized by the males and then covered with gravel and then hatch in the spring. Fishermen are reminded to avoid harassing the fish during this process and avoid disturbing the redds. A redd can be identified as a light-colored hollow depression in the gravel bottom. They are typically found in 6 to 18″ of water where there are gravel bottoms and a good flow rate.
II. Future Projects
The LJRA has access to $38,560 of unspent grants from The National Fish and Wildlife Federation (NFWF) and the Blair County Conservation District (BCCD). This is money that remains after bank erosion, tree planting and knotweed control projects were completed in 2012. Discussion about establishing projects and setting priorities to use these funds ensued. Five potential projects were discussed:
Japanese knotweed control along the upper “j”, completion of control and planting at 2012 erosion sites, and a 3-year control project on the lower “j”.
Sandy Run work to establish a wild-trout nursery by eliminating sediment and returning the stream bottom to original cobble. The removal of the small dam that warms the water is our first priority.
Antis Township has a severe bank erosion problem along River Road resulting in a possible road safety issue. They have asked LJRA to cooperate in finding a solution which will include benefits for the river. Bill has asked PFBC to visit this site along with LJRA and Antis Township managers on December 19th.
Bank erosion at four other sites identified during the original investigation. All these sites are on the Charles Powell property and we believe permission for a project is likely.
The “Bus Pool” near Barree has a severe bank erosion problem. This stream bank is owned by the Porter Township and (according to LJRA Director Ron Kuntz) we believe they will cooperate with a stream bank project. Fish Habitat managers PFBC accompanied Bill A. to view this site last summer. They agreed that it is a candidate for repair.
It was decided the decisions will be made at a directors and officers meeting in December. There were three action items identified for completion prior to that meeting:
Bill Anderson will establish what is necessary to begin work on Sandy Run.
Bill Anderson will set up a meeting with Antis Township and the PFBC to do a preliminary investigation as to how to our three organizations could establish a cooperative program.
Joe Boston will contact the PFBC to set up a date to walk the upper “j” and review other potential erosion sites. Joe Boston, Cliff Wurster and Jim Litrun volunteered to conduct the walk with the PFBC.
A motion was made, seconded and carried unanimously to discuss these projects and set priorities at the directors and officers meeting in December
III. Japanese Knotweed Control
Joe Boston reported on the work done in 2012 to control knotweed along the upper “j”. He submitted a detailed report of the work and associated costs, as well as suggestions and estimated costs for future consideration. This information will be forwarded to all directors and officers prior to the December meeting. Joe noted that there is diverse opinion within our organization as to the feasibility of effectively controlling knotweed based on attempts by other river organizations. It was noted, however, that the LJRA is committed to control knotweed at any site where work, like bank erosion control, has disturbed the soil. Joe will make an additional report at the December meeting.
IV. Temperature Probes
Three of the four temperature sensors placed last October at “Site 8” and the Little Bald Eagle (above and below the paper mill) were collected. One of the probes was apparently stolen and will need to be replaced. A motion was made, seconded and carried unanimously to replace the probe at a cost of approximately $150. Only one of the probes (near the Little Bald Eagle at I-99) has been analyzed. It showed temperatures well into the 80’s from June into September. Data from the other two probes will be analyzed and released at a later date.
V. Treasurer’s Report
Lee Pryor submitted a brief report that indicated the LJRA started October with $12,318. 16 and ended the month with $12,219.16. Bill Anderson indicated that an additional $400 for new memberships has been received and will be transferred into the account. A detailed report will be submitted at the December directors and officers meeting.
VI. Directors and Officers Meeting
A meeting of all directors and officers of the LJRA will be held at the Snyder Library in Tyrone on Tuesday December 11 at 7:00 PM. This meeting is open to all members of the Association but closed to the general public. The by-laws of the organization will be reviewed at this meeting, as well as criteria to hold office or membership on the board. Bill Anderson will contact all current directors to assess their desire to remain on the board. A detailed agenda will be sent out prior to the meeting. Any proposals for the meeting should be sent out well ahead of December 11.
VII. Trout Unlimited Policy
George Kutzel , a LJRA Life Member and treasurer of Pa Trout Unlimited was in attendance and reported on the controversy surrounding TU’s Policy of not participating in stocking hatchery fish over native(i.e. Eastern Brook) trout.
VIII. Spruce Creek Macro Study
Bill Anderson presented a recent study of macros on Spruce Creek conducted by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission which indicated impairment due to sedimentation from agricultural activities on an upper stretch of the stream which could potentially impact “j”. This situation will be monitored and reported on as warranted at future meetings.
IX. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM. The next meeting will be a directors and officers meeting and is scheduled for 7:00 PM on Tuesday, December 11 the Snyder Library in Tyrone.
Respectfully submitted,
LJRA Secretary,
Jim Litrun