
Tim Nulton of the Tyrone water authority named friend of the river 

On January 11th the Little Juniata River Association held its Winter Members Banquet at the Edgewater Inn and Riverside Grill. Each year the LJRA honors an individual or organization that has contributed the most to our efforts to “Monitor, Protect and Improve the Little Juniata River” This year’s award winner is Tim Nulton. Tim retired from the Tyrone Borough as of Jan.1st after 42 years as manager of the Tyrone Waste Treatment Plant . We chose Tim for this award because of his dedication to the efficient management of the waste treatment facility and the resulting excellent water quality in our river. Before the TWTP came on-line in 1973, the untreated paper mill effluent and poorly treated domestic sewage flowed directly into the river. It was unfit for any public use. Under Tim’s guidance, the Tyrone Borough Waste Water Treatment facility has kept our river clean!

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State College PA